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“You Have a Tumour in Your Brain” and Other Note Worthy Discoveries Into My Health

My Health Journey, So Far..


Written By: Melissa Ieraci R.H.N

I was the “healthiest sick person” I knew.

I ate organic, avoided processed foods, no sugar, no dairy, and no gluten. I worked out almost every day, and I took my vitamins.


Why did I depend on endless cups of coffee for energy?

What was the reason behind my bouts of depression, alternating with anxiety?

Why did a “healthy” 21 year old spontaneously stop ovulating and experiencing normal menstrual cycles for 7 years (yup, not a typo, 7 years..)

Lets back up a bit, during my career as a paramedic I began experiencing full body breakouts of red, painful rashes, which came with palpitations, trouble breathing and anxiety. I felt JUST as though I was having an anaphylactic reaction. The first few episodes ended before I could get myself to a hospital and reporting these symptoms to my family doctor resulted in an embarrassing “This is likely just a panic attack, Melissa” conversation. I got smarter during the next few episodes and took pictures.

The next few breakouts were longer and more intense. One day after exercising with my paramedic partner I broke out in one of my worst rashes yet. He threw me in the car and we went to the local emergency room. My swollen face, blotchy extremities and vital signs got the emergency physicians attention because I received 3 doses of epinephrine (pure adrenaline) and an IV full of Benadryl. The medication should have stopped my reaction almost instantly, but didn’t. I sat up in the emergency room bed feeling like my heart could explode at any moment and waited for the symptoms resolve.

After a summer of 7 episodes I could not take anymore. I gave up on the conventional medicine system and saw a naturopath. My naturopath took a different approach, he tested food sensitivities and cleansed my liver that was quite sluggish. I omitted trigger foods and used natural herbs and nutrients, the reactions stopped, but something was still not right.

When I left my career as a paramedic and became an entrepreneur/student of natural nutrition my salary changed, the benefits stopped and so did the out of pocket services. My student bank account left me in the hands of the conventional medicine system yet again.

At this point I had seen my family doctor and specialists who poked and prodded and after years of searching I was told “You are a medical mystery, come back if you ever want to get pregnant”.

PROBLEM: Even after leaving the 12 hour shift work schedule of emergency services, my energy was still very low.

“SOLUTION”: copious amounts of caffeine.

PROBLEM: I felt overwhelmed always, unable to quiet my mind, settle down. I was the girl on the couch “watching a movie” and getting up every 5 minutes, reading a nutrition research paper and scrolling through Instagram.

“SOLUTION”: Use the excuse that you are a busy entrepaneur, you bite off more than you can chew because you are an ambitious go getter. Also, drink more coffee.

PROBLEM: 7 years and counting, still no menstrual cycle

“SOLUTION”: See solution above and add that not having a period is probably the best thing that could happen to a busy, active female who did not have makin’ babies on the top of her ‘to-do’ list.

A few more years went by and I began to notice more changes. My sleep was affected; my workouts were suffering because no amount of caffeine could push me through, my midsection held fat that would not budge. I was now a practicing Registered Holistic Nutritionist, frustrated that despite my knowledge about supportive food and nutrients and my science background as I Paramedic I could not get my shiFt together.

In May of 2017 I reached my breaking point, I asked my family doctor for a referral to an endocrinologist.

The Endocrinologist ordered blood tests, MRI’s and 24 hour urine collection.

I peed in a damn jug ALL DAY LONG for peats sake!

I attended my final appointment with my mom. The Endocrinologist leveled with me during a previous visit, she did not expect any of my tests to come back abnormal. Bringing my worried Italian mother to the visit seemed like a good idea so that she could hear right from the specialists mouth that I was ok.

I sat on the examination table in the office with my mom. What came out of the Endocrinologists mouth next I will never forget.

“Melissa, we found a 5mm growth on your pituitary gland”

What I am thankful for most is that both myself and my mother kept our composure until we made it to the car.

I found out that I did not have cancer after 6 weeks of waiting on test results.

My tumour, “growth”, “pea sized pain in the ass” is responsible for the imbalances in my body. I am still being tested and studied for Cyclic Cushing Syndrome. I have many more tests to go with a good chance that surgery is in my future. My journey as I go through tests and experiences is not meant to be a sob story. I am writing to hopefully relate to someone else who is too stubborn, knows how to “do it on her own” and can benefit from letting go. My mission is to help others empower themselves like this situation continues to empower me.

PART 2 On Energy Work Coming Soon..

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